South Africans are very interesting people, for one they can trash a multi million rand infrastructure just to demonstrate their discontent over a small issue like potholes. but that does not make them interesting; neither does their beer drinking and love for their braai vleis and passionate interest for sports, politics and social issues affecting their lives.
I will show that they are interesting and loving despite their phobia for those of different ethnicity. for instances, they do not appreciate the contribution that Zimbabweans are playing in building their society by helping through providing a cheap labor force, partly attributed to the success of the 2010 FIFA World Cup. Its not however fair to generalise everybody as they have done with most Zimbabweans, because there is always those two or three people willing to let their children marry Zimbabweans.
The society that we live in is not that accomodating regardless of where in the world you are. However, South Africa is different in that besides the xenophobia, they also have the problem of crime. Zimbabweans, unfortunately have been accussed of contributing to the high increase of crime instances over the past few years. On the other hand the justice system has not fully come to the party; despite efforts by the police to try and curb crime, the justice department has repeatedly sent out the message that if you are a high ranking member of society or a politician, you can get off the hook easily.
This does not set a good example for the masses in general. They aspire to be like their heroes; rich, famous and untouchable. Perhaps thats where the whole problem emanates. This is just an introduction of my intention to show the bottom line of the society that we live in. We are foreign, domestic but bound by one thing: poverty!